6 Things One Can & Can't Do With HDPE Sheets

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6 Things One Can & Can't Do With HDPE Sheets

1 June 2021
 Categories: , Blog

HDPE sheets are high-density polyethylene sheets, which are a specific type of plastic sheeting used worldwide. If you are thinking about using HDPE sheets in a project, there are a few things you need to understand about how to work with this unique and versatile product properly.

#1: Can't Paint the Sheets

HDPE sheeting is often used in things as diverse as toys and construction. Although it can be used in many applications, it cannot be painted. However, you can order HDPE sheeting in many different colors, and you can even have the manufacturer custom match the color to fit your project. So, although you can't paint the HDPE, you can get the color you want if you custom order the sheeting.

#2: Can Secure the Sheeting

HDPE is a strong material; however, it can still be secured to other structures. You can secure HDPE to other materials using a screw, nail, or a plastic rivet. In addition, you can use a power drill or a hammer to help secure the sheeting to another material, which is why HDPE sheeting is commonly used in the construction industry.

#3: Can Cut or Drill the Sheeting

Third, you can cut the sheeting to any size or shape that you want. You can also drill through the sheeting. Basically, you can use the same tools that you would use on wood to manipulate the sheeting. You can cut and shape the sheeting just like you can wood.

#4: Can't Use Glue

Fourth, the one way you can't secure HDPE sheeting is with glue. The sheeting does respond to temperature changes and can both expand and contract, so if you use glue on the sheeting, the glue will break away over time and will not work. The glue will not stand up over time and shouldn't be used with HDPE sheeting.

#5: Can't Walk on It

Fifth, HDPE sheets have a slick texture to them and can be kind of slippery. The slippery nature of the sheeting means that it shouldn't be used as a flooring material, and it shouldn't be placed on the ground where it can be walked on.

#6: Can Protect Against Extreme Temperatures

HDPE will respond to extreme temperatures by slightly expanding and contracting. However, the material will not crack or break. The strength of this material when exposed to extreme temperatures makes it a good material to use outside or on the exterior of a building, as it can withstand both extreme hot and extreme cold.

If you are looking for a strong and versatile material to work with, you should consider using HDPE sheeting. It can be manipulated and secured like wood and will not crack or break.